We want to remind you of the significant responsibility that comes with representing our company and making commitments on our behalf. It is imperative that you provide accurate information and avoid making false commitments to clients.
1. Please be aware that our company has no policy to diagnose or cure patients. It is crucial that you refrain from making any claims or promises related to medical diagnoses or cures. Misleading statements in this regard can have serious legal and ethical implications.
2. Additionally, our company does not offer a money-back guarantee for our services or products. It is important to ensure that clients or customers are informed of this policy, and they should not be led to believe otherwise.
Failure to uphold these standards can have serious consequences not only for you but also for our company. Any false commitments can damage our reputation, lead to legal repercussions, and harm relationships with clients or partners. Therefore, we want to make it clear that any worker found making false commitments may be subject to disciplinary actions, which can include warnings, suspension, or even termination.
We trust in your ability to represent our company with integrity and professionalism. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you are unsure about a commitment, please seek guidance from your supervisor.
Your dedication to our company’s values and ethical standards is essential to our continued success. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Sincerely, Baba Parmanand Health and Wellness Pvt Ltd